
Stefanos-Nikitas Stamatelopoulos

Stefanos-Nikitas Stamatelopoulos was born in Athens in 1968.
He is married with two children (14 and 16 years old).
He is a Civil Engineer (NTUA 1990) with Masters (Msc) in the USA (1992) in Geotechnical Engineering (Earthquake and Environmental).
At first he worked as Geotechnical Engineer (1992-93), then as participant in big Construction companies (1993-2000) and finally as self-occupied Engineer (2000-2005), when he became Coowner and Administrator of ALSTE ltd (2005-now).
He speaks English (fluently) and German (good).


Alexandros Kyprianos

Alexandros Kyprianos was born in Athens in 1967.
He is married, with 2 children (20 and 22 years old).
He is a Civil Engineer (NTUA 1991).
Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (1991).
He has worked for several years as in-situ Engineer and Supervisor in Public and Private projects till 2005, when he became Coowner and Administrator of the construction company ALSTE ltd.
He knows the Public works’ Law perfect, as well as programming (timeschedules, management) and designing projects.
He speaks English.